How much does Veterans’ Medical Assistance Group (VMAG) cost?
The number one question that all clients want to know is what do I have to pay? VMAG charges an upfront cost for our services that match or in many cases is cheaper than many of our competitors. VMAG “NEVER” charges a fee if you win your claim. What you pay up front is all you pay.
How doesHow does this process work? this process work?
Once a veteran makes contact with VMAG, we setup an initial consultation to get a better understanding of all conditions and concerns. From that consultation we will provide a plan of action for the veteran to consider, providing resources and assistance throughout the entire process.
How will I document my medical condition to the VA?
There are many ways that this can be done, but the most common way is from your military service medical records, VA compensation and rating letters and current medical records. Book a free consultation to learn more and to have answers to all of your questions!
Why vmag is here?
VMAG is here for the Veteran! We have a team of professionals that is dedicated to serving you and helping get the VA rating that you deserve at the lowest possible cost.
Are VMAG’s medical professionals licensed?
YES! All Medical professionals who conduct medical evaluations at VMAG are licensed to do so.
Who is behind VMAG?
VMAG is Veteran owned and operated.
Are you affiliated with Veterans Administration?
No, we are not! VMAG is a private organization who's mission is to help veterans understand their current medical condition, how it applies to their military service and the possible benefits and compensation they are eligible to receive. Our team of professionals and partners to help you get the rating you deserve as quickly and efficiently as possible.
What makes vmag different?
VMAG is a small team of dedicated professionals that focuses of quality over quantity. We provide a unique service that larger companies cannot we DO NOT charge a fee if you receive an increase in your disability rating. Some companies charge 5, 6 and sometimes 7 times your increase if receive a favorable rating back from the VA. Here at VMAG we believe that is your money and you should be entitled to all of it.